Wednesday 16 September 2015

First Design Task

What the task was
I was given the task of designing a poster about Prezi to go on display in the office. On this poster I was to include information about Prezi and what the advantages of using it are. 

What I did
To begin with, I looked into what Prezi was and the various advantages to using it were. Having used it before I did have a good idea as to what it was and the key features of it, specifically the zooming and panning features. Having done the research into the software on their website, I found the key points that I wanted to include on my poster, so I began adding this information to the poster as well as adding in a title and area for a description of the software. Once I'd added all the information, I knew how much space the text was going to take up which allowed me to begin building the layout and placing in all of the different information boxes. When I'd got all the boxes for the information where I'd like them and then information also added in, I began adding colours and some different effects.

In terms of colour, I wanted to keep it simple and not add too many variations of colours. While looking on the Prezi website for information, I noticed that they'd used some darker blues in places where the website links and footer, so I decided that that was the colour I was going to use. I initially was going to use some darker blue variants but in the end chose to use lighter colours with a combination of white, two colour sets I thought worked well together and made the poster stand out and grab your attention. For the background, I initially had a plain blue background, but I then changed it to light blue with a fade to white, with the fade more towards the top left of the page. And finally I added some drop shadow effects to the title of the poster to bring it forward, add depth and separate it from the blue oval in the background. I also added this same effect to the 'What is Prezi' title since I felt that was an important part of the poster, informing people what it is.

And finally, I added in some different images/ icons to represent some of the different advantages I was talking about in the poster. To find the images I was going to include, I went to Pixabay. When looking for the images I wanted to use, I wanted something with some bright colours and a bit creative. Once I found the images I wanted to use in each of the advantages boxes, I began placing them where I wanted them and then began moving the text to fit around where I'd placed the images.
This is my first design before any feedback was taken into consideration.
This is my poster after I'd made changes based on people's feedback. 

Feedback & Improvement
Once I was happy with the final design, I posted it onto Yammer, where I got some feedback which I could use to make improvements to my design.

Some of the feedback I received was to improve on some of the images I'd used and try and make them more relevant to the information in that particular text box. With regard to this feedback, I did notice that when I swapped two sets of information around, I had moved the titles and text, but forgotten to move the images, which explained why they weren't relevant. However, I did feel that one of the images could have still been made more relevant to the matter. Included in the feedback were some suggested website to visit in order to find the best images and icons. I checked these sites out and on Flaticon I found an icon I thought was more relevant and so I chose to include that into my poster.

Also in the feedback I received was to try and reduce the amount of text on the page as they felt there was too much and people wouldn't be interested in reading it. When looking back on it I do tend to agree, which is why I've removed the text that wasn't important, so that all that remained was a brief description about that particular advantage. I feel this changed has made my poster look less cluttered and will now make people more likely to read it as it isn't flooded with unnecessary text.

Some final pieces of feedback I received was with regard to the choice of colours in the top left circle and to include Prezi's logo. When creating the poster, I too wasn't sure whether I like the colour effect in the circle as it made some of the 'About Prezi' text hard to read even though it had a drop shadow. In the final design I have chosen to revert back to one single solid blue colour. In terms of adding a logo, this is also something I felt was needed, but given that the Prezi logo is also blue and my poster is mainly blue, I didn't know where the best place in include it. Initially I wanted in the 'About Prezi' circle, but that has a blue background fill, so the logo wasn't clearly visible. I had played about with the idea of including the logo within the 'About Prezi' text, and was something I have chosen to go with, however I'm still not sure whether I like it. I had also thought about adding in another white circle behind the logo and placing them both underneath the text, but again I wasn't sure whether I liked it or not. Changing the colour of the logo to all white is also something I'd thought about doing, but I didn't feel this would have been the best option given that wouldn't have been their normal colour and people may been less likely to recognise it.

Final Design

In the end, I chose to move to Prezi logo into the 'What is Prezi' since I feel that is a more suitable location and offers a place to introduce their logo and also what their product is. To prevent the logo colour from clashing with the colour of the box behind, I added a white circle in the background.