Friday 20 November 2015

Effective Communication - 2.1

While working at Elephant Learning Designs, there are several standards and procedures I have to follow when creating any content, particularly eLearning packages. I've listed and explained them all below:

  • Diversity and Equality - All content in my eLearning packages has to showcase equality and diversity, so this means when including images, I have to try and get people of various ages, genders, ethnicities and backgrounds.
  • Readable Font - I also have to ensure that the text in my eLearning packages is written in an easy to read font of a good size. So this means not including any fonts which some people may struggle to read, for instance the more decorative or script fonts. I also have to make sure the text is written in a size readable by everyone, so nothing too small which some people may struggle to see and read.
  • Header & Footer - This requires me to have a header and footer on every page of an eLearning I create. This is so it looks well presented and professional. Having a header and footer also means that I have to include a title and also have a place to put it. 
  • Elephant Logo - Along with the header and footer, I also have to include the Elephant Designs logo along with them, this ensures people know who and where the eLearning package came from and we get the credit we deserve for it. It also fits in well with making the design, and keeping it looking professional.
  • Aims & Objectives - At the start of every learning package, I have to ensure that the learning objectives and outcomes of that particular eLearning package is clear to the user. This allows the user to know what to expect to take away from completing the eLearing package.
  • Interactions - eLearning packages are nothing without interactions, so it's vital we include as many as we can while remaining relevant to the topic. Some examples of interaction are, buttons which the user can click to navigate to other pages, reveal information or play a video/ animation, 
  • Feedback - At key stages it's important to get feedback and suggested improvements on the content and design of my eLearning packages. Key stages may include before and after implementing interactions and once the eLearning package is completed to the best of my ability. 
  • Introduction Video - Is requires me to include the Elephant Designs introduction video before the start of an eLearning package. This shows to the user who created the content, and is a good way of introducing the it, similar to how TV shows have their own introductions.
  • Spelling & Grammar - Before allowing students to have access to an eLearning packages I have to ensure that everything is written and spelt correctly. Having spelling errors not only looks unprofessional and untidy but isn't going to educate the users all too well. 
  • Consistent Design - And finally, I have to ensure that the design of the eLearning package is consistent, so using the same colours, design idea and fonts.

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