Friday 9 October 2015

PPD - 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4

You maybe asking yourself, "What is a SWOT analysis"? Well don't worry, I'm going to explain all before completing one for myself. A SWOT analysis mind map is a useful tool for helping you to understand more about yourself, including what your strengths and weakness are, the opportunities available to you and the potential threats; hence the S-W-O-T. Below you can see I diagram I've created, all the points mentioned in it are explained further on in my blog!

A SWOT analysis mind map I created on myself.

Now you have a better understanding of what is meant by a  SWOT analysis, you can use another diagram I created below to help you understand what is meant by each of the four steps in a SWOT analysis.

Use the above diagram to understand what is meant by the four points.
Below I've explained my own SWOT analysis more in depth!

Photoshop Skills
I see myself as being rather skilled at using Photoshop, I know the different uses of the tools, I can work with the different layers and groups within a project, I know how to apply different effects, and which look best for a set design. Overall, I think the amount of times I’ve used this program has made me be able to use it efficiently to where I now feel comfortable using it, this may also lead to why I don’t know so much about Illustrator, as I don’t use it and instead prefer to use Photoshop.

Working To Deadlines & Time Management
I feel I have great time management skills, such as being able to allocate a set amount of time per project and prioritise the more important parts of a project. I think this then allows me to be able to work to my deadlines effectively and complete my projects on time.

Having used storyboards many times before when completing other projects, I'm quite comfortable working with them and using them to help me create ideas. I've also developed my preferred way of using them which is to quickly sketch out a few ideas and jot down the more important information.

I feel very confident using Moodle, things such as enrolling members, setting up new courses, changing or adding icons are all things I've done and would be confident in doing again.

Working With Others
Since starting at Elephant Learning Designs, I've completing two separate eLearning Packages with other individuals and on both occasions I feel I contributed well and the final outcome of both packages was to a high standard.

I personally feel I struggle most with using Illustrator, I don’t feel comfortable using it and unsure how certain aspects of the program work. I feel this is mainly due to how much I’ve used Photoshop, and become less reliant on using Illustrator. Because some things are very similar across the two programs, the simple things in Illustrator I can do, but the more complex stuff is where I begin to struggle and often need help, but this is something I do want to work on getting better because in some instances I would like to include vector graphics in the learning package.

Use More Social Media
Sites such as Yammer and Pinterest  are great for sharing ideas, getting feedback and getting ideas for designs and I feel I should utilise them more, maybe even share some of the things I've done on there. Sharing my work will then get me some feedback which I can then use to improve my work. Looking at what others are also doing can also spark some inspiration for my work and vary up my designs, which is something I also wanted to achieve.

I also want to begin using Adobe Flash in my eLearning packages to create more animated designs, which can be a useful way of getting information across to the end user. I have used Adobe Flash before, so I don't see it being too difficult to create.

I'd also like to volunteer to attend more meetings with level fours to discuss different projects with teachers. I have attended one before, where an eLearning package I created was showcased but I didn't play a huge role in the meeting, and in future I'd like to play a bigger part.

There are a few opportunities which support me outside of work:

Free Time – After work and on weekends I often have plenty of spare time in which to practice and improve on my skills using the programs at home, or just by watching tutorials on how to use the different tools etc.

Programs – I have downloaded the Adobe programs I use the most, such as Photoshop, Illustrator and Flash. Downloading and having access to these means that I can use them in my free time, to try and play around with the tools and improve on what I already know with Photoshop and build on the basics of Illustrator skills.

There are many different potential threats which could harm the progress I make, I’ve listed some below:

- Using Multiple Programs – Using programs I’m unfamiliar or aren’t comfortable using will no doubt take me more time to complete a whole or part of a project, requiring more time in total, this also ties in with one of my weaknesses, of not being comfortable using Illustrator. This also leads onto my next point.

- Time Management – I consider myself to be able to manage my time well, but in some cases, as mentioned above it’s beyond my control. Ultimately it’s better to have a better overall product, than one that’s rushed to meet a deadline. This also ties in with the point above.

- Other People Working On A Project With Me – In some cases when creating learning packages, I may work with others and this may lead to it taking longer to complete the package. For example, those I work with my have their own troubles completing their side of the project, such as them not being able to work with the programs they have to, which will slow down the progress of the package.

There are no doubt ways in which I can minimise or even completely remove the above.

As mentioned in some cases I’ll work with others, so to prevent the above points, we can decide who works best with which programs and then base the work around that. For instance, if there’s image work which requires Photoshop, that’s something I’d lean towards doing, but something vector based which is more Illustrator I’d advise against doing. Doing this therefore prevents anyone from using a program they’re uncomfortable using, and so everyone should be able to complete their part of a project.

Personal Development Plan

Learning and development needs
What do I need to do?
What resources do I need?
Who can help me?
What is my timeline?
Improve on my Illustrator skills.
I’d like to improve my Illustrator skills and learn more about the tools and different possible ways in which to use it.
Computer & Illustrator software. I’ll also need some way in which to learn these skills from, such as a video tutorial.
There are many different ways in which I can get help. Some of these can include, asking others, trial and error of using it myself, Google searches for my problems or YouTube tutorials.
I’d ideally like to learn more about using Illustrator right away, and to do this, I’m using my Personal Development time on Fridays to improve on my skills.
Use Flash more.
I’d like to use more animation in the e-learning packages I produce in order to make them more interactive and creative, to use this I’d use Flash, but having not used it in quite some time, I want to refresh on what I already know.
Computer & Flash software. Again, I’ll need something in which I can learn from, in this case, YouTube tutorials are probably going to be the best way of regaining/ re-jogging my skills.
Again, there are many possibilities but as mentioned already, I think YouTube tutorials will be the best help to act as a reminder to use the software.
Once again, this is something I’m looking to regain as soon as possible and like before, I’m using my personal development time on Fridays to do so.
Conducting Meetings with Tutors
I’d like to attend more meetings with tutors to collect and take on more projects.
A level four and also a notepad in which to write down anything important they say.
A level four.
This is something I’d like to get into doing so there is no timescale.
More Design Ideas
I’d like to create and experiment with more design ideas for the eLearning packages I create. For instance, I want to find new ways in which to set-out my eLearning packages, rather than the typical rectangle header + footer combination.
Computer, Photoshop & Captivate in which to create my design ideas. Maybe some inspiration from websites such as Pinterest.
I think I can use some ideas from Pinterest for example, and then adapt them to suit an eLearning Package, and then maybe improve them ideas based on feedback from others.
This is something I’d like to develop throughout my time at Elephant Learning designs, and beyond; so again I wouldn’t say there’s a timescale, but it is something I’m looking to work on right away.
Create more interactive content
Similar to my previous point, I also want to develop content which is interactive and engaging for the user.
Computer, Photoshop & Captivate. Sites such as eLearning Brothers may also be useful to see what kinds of interactions I could make and include.
Some ideas on different interactions maybe useful from sites like eLearning Brothers but working with others and also seeing what they create could maybe spark some new ideas.
Like the last point, this is something I want to be working on throughout my time at Elephant Learning Designs.
Planning & Delivering Training
I’d like to participate in providing more training sessions to tutors.
Knowledge on the training subject. And also a level 4 to lead the training.
A level 4.
I’d like to begin attending training sessions as soon as possible.
Chunking Text
I’d like to be more effective in chunking the text provided by the tutors. For some I’d also like to be able to expand upon some of the content provided, as there isn’t enough.
Computer & knowledge materials, for instance documents, PowerPoints or information on the web.
I can do individual research/ chunking. I could also ask the level 4 in charge or the project or the SME as a last resort.
This is also something I’d like to work on right away.

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